The best companies put people-first. Employees are the difference makers at every company – they provide companies with their greatest competitive advantage. When staff feel their workplace cares about their growth and development, they’re more likely to commit to their goals and the organization, as well as feel greater job satisfaction.

Keep reading for the top 8 reasons to choose team building.

  • Socializing and making friends in the workplace is one of the best ways to increase productivity in the virtual, hybrid, or in-person workplace. Holding a team building activity can be short and sweet, or it can be a more complex event that everyone has more time to plan for! Either way, Hello Maker has all the resources you’ll need to make it fun!

  • After any sports team wins a major championship, they celebrate and have fun, which motivates them to want to win even more. This extreme example shows that the celebration, cheering, and fun that comes with every Hello Maker event can motivate employees to bring their job to the next level!

  • People tend to have a larger imagination when they are around people they are comfortable with. Successful team building events not only bring people closer together, but they also contribute to a more successful and creative workplace.

  • To no surprise, communication and working better together is the top reason why people choose team building. Everybody wants a friendly work environment, where people are comfortable and happy to talk to and work with anyone. One of the best outcomes for team building is that the activities actually work to improve communication.

  • Company culture can be explained as the values, norms, goals, and attitudes that exist within your organization. Simply put, it defines the environment you work in and makes up the personality of the company. According to Indeed, job seekers highly value a company’s culture, and 46% of those who considered a job, but did not apply to it, said they ultimately chose not to because they didn’t feel it would be a good culture fit. Regularly scheduled team building events can improve your company culture and provide a space to understand your employees’ wants and needs. Sometimes the culture of management doesn’t match up with that of the employees, so finding a middle ground is an important step in creating a more positive environment. Team building activities help to cut out toxicity and get everyone on the same page while working together. The benefits will be sure to follow you back to the office.

  • The connections between employees within one department aren’t the only ones that matter when it comes to building a stronger team. It is a unified collection of all the working teams that make up your organization. Ask yourself – how well do you know employees in departments other than your own? If the answer is not well or not at all, then team building will surely bring departments closer together to encourage cross-functional collaboration that will benefit your organization as a whole.

  • In a more relaxed and creative environment, you may find employees have hidden skills that haven’t been discovered in the office. Leaders can arise in the simplest of activities and may surprise you. You may discover that the quiet new employee is incredible at inspiring their peers and with the right mentor, development opportunities, and encouragement could be your company’s next rising leader.

  • Team building activities give employees something common to talk about other than work. They can break down communication barriers and help teams work more efficiently. Most importantly, employees are able to take the skills that they learn from these events and apply them to their everyday tasks, such as creativity, thinking strategically, adapting quickly, and working collaboratively with their peers.

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